The Solid Waste Management Committee is currently considered dormant. If you have Solid Waste interests or topics that should be shared with Chapter members or addressed by the Chapter, please contact a member of the Executive Committee.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Solid Waste Management Committee is to develop and promote environmentally sound, cost effective and efficient solid waste management policies, practices and programs.

Committee Objectives and Goals:

The Solid Waste Management Committee is actively pursuing and evaluating:

  • Manner and methods of solid waste (trash and recycling) collection including staffing and collection costs,
  • Pay as You Throw (PAYT) solid waste collection opportunities,
  • Landfill operations, and
  • Public education and outreach related to solid waste collection

The APWA WI Solid Waste Management Committee is interested in exploring new partnerships with other organizations and individuals in and around Wisconsin that share our objectives and goals. We’re also interested in growing our membership. Please feel free to contact any of the past committee members (contact info to the right) if you have any ideas and/or suggestions. Thank You!

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